Friday, June 14, 2013

The best idea ever . . .

I've just completed my first three weeks of classes at school.  I haven't really had time to write lately because I've spent the majority of my time reading, studying and pondering the notes given in both my classes.  And I am really enjoying my classes!  This might be the best idea I ever had.

Monday, May 27, 2013

And so it begins . . .

After having a good time on vacation, I finally had my first day of school, the first one I've had in 11 years.  I didn't get really nervous until I pulled into the parking lot by the West building.  I don't handle new social situations well, especially when going in all by myself.  But I clung to the fact that this was school, not an ice cream social, and that my success didn't depend on interacting socially with other people.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Ramping up!

And so the vacation is looming ever closer.  The vacation that is making me miss the first couple of days of school.  I contacted my professors; I did my part.  I've also completed most of my assignments already.  Vacations are usually stressful for me, because I don't like leaving my dog behind, and it takes me a couple of days to shake that off.  But, I'm also going to stay with a person that doesn't like me; I kind of feel like I'm intruding on someone else's visit instead of being invited along.  And then right after I get back I have to move my ass straight to class.  I'm just nervous is all.  Everything has been pretty slow and relaxed and I'm not looking forward to the stress.  But, I've promised that I will not force myself to have a bad time just because I'm so convinced I'm going to have a bad time anyway.  I have committed to have fun whenever fun is available.  I will have a good time, goddammit.  Let's do this.

Monday, May 13, 2013

School shopping!

I was finally able to get my books for school today.  I also picked up a couple of other miscellaneous supplies, one of which was a backpack that I am absolutely in love with.  Cracked the books as soon as I got home, and finished the whole first chapter's assignments in my math book.  Going to finish the second chapter tomorrow, as well as get some of the first assignments done for American government.

Can't wait!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

In the ditch . . .

Finally, after so very, very much ado, my tattoo is finished.  I went through total hell yesterday to get it done, but the much anticipated tattoo is done.  Pictures you say?  Well of course, I have those.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Well, whaddya know?

I've lived in this house for nearly 4 years now.  I've always been friendly with the people who live around me, and have had a few polite conversations with the people that live in front of and behind me.  I don't like meeting new people all that often, but meeting your neighbors at least once is necessary.  At least say "hi", even if you never speak again.

I've often talked to the lady who lives behind me;

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I had a dream . . .

. . . and it wasn't the MLK kind.  Maybe it's a result of all my recent school-related stress, but I had a dream last night about the people with whom I went to high school.  I did not have many friends in school, and the ones I had were not of the "popular" type.  The dream dredged up a lot of old, bad feelings, and my inner thoughts keep trying to beat me down.